Thursday, August 26, 2010

former Commerce Minister Lu Fuyuan

former Commerce Minister Lu Fuyuan of the late Comrade visit to Guangdong. An entrepreneur when reporting to the Minister, said he turned to make shoes, and now production of electronic products. Minister is very pleased to say that:you are amazing you, the transfer from the labor-intensive industries to technology-intensive industries. electronic products, to find some working girl assembly, is typical of labor-intensive products! shoes, the U.S. production of aircraft. producing countries have large shoes of cheap labor, so we concentrate on the production and export of shoes, such labor-intensive products, production aircraft, high-tech countries, so we focus on aircraft production and export of such technology-intensive type of product. in accordance with the theory of comparative advantage, the two countries in international trade can benefit. However, such an international division of labor is very easy to make the country feel depressed production of shoes. As Minister Bo Xilai often mention In short, China can export 800 million pairs of pants for a plane.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

change and wash in the pick

change and wash in the pick a few pieces of clothing, beverages, chewing gum and a cigarette, I carry a black rain that luggage, riding my lord car off. my destination was about 60 km from the city as a resort, where appropriate as forest protection rather cool climate,Christian Louboutin where every day hiking, swimming, playing ball, there are delicious peasant food. hotel is quite cheap, my membership card discounted standard room only 60 yuan per night. I am going to where the infirmary for a week.the road, rain continued to hit my face, blurring my glasses, P90X I simply will glasses put away, in the sight of a bad situation to continue riding. Despite the raincoat's block, I still feel the cold, this cold start from the heart, Moncler because I started I had to face the fact that patients with an erectile dysfunction . chills the body even more than the terrible things that happened, my hands started getting no strength, but also a slight tremble, I feel you are going to manage not live clunky old car, and had to play with my old car I have not eaten all day, should be low blood sugar reaction.