Friday, February 11, 2011

Convenience efficiently

Above-mentioned specific weight, compares a flourishing nation to want Gao Yi Bei or so.For this, what dawn point out, "25" want to form layout to be reasonable in last phase, technique forerunner, economize on energy an environmental protection, convenience efficiently, safety have a preface, and have the modern logistics system of certain international competitiveness, need to lower total expenses of logistics to have a GDP proportion.Endow with to have much of a necessity for this tax that reduces logistics profession.
Prolong high-speed road to accept to take a lot of time
Cai Yu He reveals that a lot of foreign charge highways can accept for 90 years even 100 years, China charges currently the highway grows most of the time limit is 30 years.Consequently lower charges in the highway next move, accept adoption extension to take a lot of time to carry out.

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